Scandinavian Hjemkomst Festival, Hjemkomst Center, Moorehead, MN, 06.29.08.


A new blog: T N T

In addition to my blogging here, I am starting a new blog which will expand beyond "network weaving". The new blog is named: TNT � The Network Thinker...TNT is focused on "exploding" old concepts and thinking about economies, organizations, communities and groups.We will focus on new forms of connectivity and emergence in organizational, community, and social networks and how these new structures lead to resilience, adaptability, agility, and innovation.I invite everyone to join me on TNT and share your views with what is presented. I hope to see the Comments field host many conversations. All opinions welcome! [No Flames, No Spam]I have...

Scandinavian Hjemkomst Festival, Hjemkomst Center, Moorehead, MN, 06.28.08.


Scandinavian Hjemkomst Festival, Hjemkomst Center, Moorehead, MN, 06.27.08.


Network Maps

You don't need network mapping software to get groups started with Social Network Analysis. All you need is some large chart paper, a few markers and simple instructions. Make sure that the group has a focus for the network--perhaps some project that they are or want to work on. Here are some sample instructions:First, draw some circle to represent the members of your group. Next add people that you are already working with on a regular basis on this project and draw lines from you to them. If any of them work together, draw lines to connect them. Then add those people you draw on occasionally. Finally, add people you aren't working with now...

Caribbean Jewels

Last week I was in Barbados, one of the many island jewels scatted throughout the azure waters of the Caribbean. The United Nations has hired me to network a group of innovative leaders from 10 different countries. Soon after the participants arrived, we had them complete a form asking about their networks. Not surprisingly, we found that few of the attendees knew anyone else there. Time for some serious Network Weaving!Several times throughout the workshop, we did a simple exercise called Speed Networking. Each individual shared their answers to questions such as "What excites you about learning about networks?" and "What are your dreams for...

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