Home networking basic tools - Part 3

Okay, now you got your cable and crimping tools ready, you also know the tools you need to run the cables inside your walls, then all that you need to have for your home networking tools is cable tie.What?!? why would I need cable ties. Yes you don't actually need cable ties to do home networking, but you do need them to make your cabling neat.Making your cables neatIf you're running a whole lot of bundles of cables in your home, cable ties definitely things of your choice to neat your cabling work.What people usually use are these following types of cable ties:The one on the left is the velcro cable type, and the next one made of plastic or...

Home networking basic tools - part 2

Running your cables inside walls, that's what I wanted to title this post but since I want to make these posts related, oh so be it.So you have your basic networking tools for crimping ready, now you're thinking you don't want the cables to be crossing around everywhere in your living room.You can hide your cables by running the cables on the ceiling then go into the walls and eventually pop-out on the walls.You can use the following toolkits: From left to right:Modular JackInstead of RJ45, you should terminate the UTP with modular jacks if you want to run your cables in walls. These jacks can then act just like your phone connection on the wall.They...

Home networking basic tools - part 1

I want to show you how easy it is to set up your own home networking, you don't need an expert to do this work.First let me show you all the basic tools needed to do this.Cables and crimping tools  From left to right, you can see in the picture:UTP CableUTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) is the widely used cable for networking,  you can use other cables though but UTP and the networking cards are easier to get and configure.UTP is basically 4 pairs of cables (8 cables) with different colors to identify them, twisted together to prevent the crosstalk or interference when transmitting signals.The picture is the type of cable if you buy...

Structured Cabling System

Back in the old days of networking newbie, I didn't even care about networking. What's so interesting about it. Just a bunch of cables connected from the computers to switches or routers/modems voila you get internet.Few years later, come to my notice that networking is far far more interesting than I had imagined. By the way this story is going somewhere if you wonder.Networking (in physical) is more than I said before, there are lots of in between the things I mentioned. Switches and routers should be enough for home or SOHO usage, but when it comes to enterprise, lots of new networking "creatures" would pop-out.All these creatures combined...

Introducing Networking Newbie

Hi there,This is my first time to write to a blog. Haven't had enough time to write in the previous time due to all the works I had. But now, I am a business owner (well, currently a small business that is) which should give me enough time to share in this blog.Well, enough said about myself, next step I will regularly write some experiences, articles or how-to on computer networking and internet.Why Networking newbie you ask? I know the feeling some of you out there willing to learn new things but OMG, we don't even understand a single word experts are saying. So, I want to make this blog as easy as it can get.So, thats basically telling that...

Human Rights Network Mapping

Here is an amazing report on the applications of network mapping, analysis and weaving to assist and facilitate human rights work. It is basically an introductory textbook for all types of applied network analysis, filled with examples and cases. This report is perfect for the beginning practitioner, and researchers/academics not trained in mathematical sociology.A superb job by Skye Bender-deMoll. The research was sponsored by AAAS -- American Association for the Advancement of Scien...

Windy City Knitting Guild, Sulzer Regional Library, Chicago, IL, 07.15.08.

Special Thanks to Chris Bodmer and the Windy City Knitting Gui...

A Great Network Weaver

In going through some my old articles, I ran across a tribute to my late friend and colleague, Bob Stambaugh. He was a network weaver in the corporate world -- a place where "spanning structural holes" is a more common strategy than "closing triangles". Here is the IHRIM Journal article about Bob and his network weaving in the field of Human Resource Information Technology[HRIT]. In the article, notice the difference between the first network map [Figure 1] and the last one [there is a typo, the last map should be Figure 4]. The first map shows Bob's colleagues[blue nodes] in the field of HRIT. The last map shows who Bob introduced to whom...

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