Cable Labeling

It is very important to give labels to your cables. Labels make your network troubleshooting less painful. In case of problem, you don't want to trace every cable end to end. Each end of cable should be labeled, the label should give information about where the cable is connected to. It is really up to you or your company policy how the description format of the labels should be written. The most important thing is to keep the writings not too long, and easy to be interpreted. For example, I have a fiber optic cable at the IDF going to the MDF, I like to name it like this: for the IDF cable: MDF_Core1_23 -> it tells that the cable is going...

Network Segmentation

You started your network with small amount of computers and networking devices, sooner or later you want to add this and that, next thing you know your network got slower. If you have this condition in your network, you might want to consider reviewing back you what devices you have in your network. You might need to segment your network. You can use switches and bridges to segment your network, if you use them you separate your network collision domain. Remember what collision domain is when I posted about switches. Like the above picture, if you use switch to connect 4 computers, then you'd have 4 collision domains. On the other hand, if...

Seriously Rethinking Leadership in a Networked World

For over 30 years, I have had the privilege of helping leaders around the world develop their leadership effectiveness. In dozens of sectors and markets, I've seen the best and worst. I continue to see established and emerging leaders who are passionate about learning to be better leaders and entrenched leaders who view learning as a threat to their power.In these interesting times, we are witnessing an abundance of leaders who are devastating the integrity of markets and the faith of their constituents. Many countries have what Will Rogers referred to as "the best government money can buy." It is easy to find leaders who define leadership as the exercise of control over money and people.At the same time, the planet is abundant with leaders who are helping to make their communities stronger...

Mapping Twitter Chats

This is a network map of the almost 1000 tweets during the #ideachat 1 hour session in November 2010. Individual participants in the chat are shown as purple nodes and the "whole group" is shown as the large green circular node. If someone tweeted to everyone in the group, at least twice in the session, an arrow would be drawn from their node to the big green node. People who tweeted to each other [@ messages or RTs], at least twice in the 1 hour session, will have arrows drawn from the tweeter node to the subject node. @blogbrevity <--> @cocreatr indicates that they both sent 2 or more tweets to each other during the session. [We do...

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